Small Steps, Big Impact: How to Take Action and Make a Difference in the Fight Against Climate Change


Have you ever felt so helpless that making a difference seems impossible?

 That’s how the climate crisis makes a lot of us feel. It can make us feel powerless and unsure of how to make a positive impact. On how we can make a difference in the future of our planet. But it shouldn’t be that way!

 When we all work together to fight climate change, their impact becomes 2, 3, 4 or even 100 times more powerful! When we all buy food that is made in a way that is better for the environment, we can show to the people making the food that we are more likely to buy it if it’s good for the world. If you’re wondering how that is even possible, it’s possible through ACT, a sustainable shopping app. With ACT, consumer can unite and combine their decisions, so even their small daily decisions become bigger and can make a greater difference.

Action Heroes like you help us grow ACT in different ways. Your parents can help us by doing their grocery shopping using the app. But you can help us by collecting the information we need to make the app bigger and more powerful. We are trying to get more people to join us and help us with this project. If you can, please answer a quick survey on how we can connect with more people to make a difference in the world.