Take sustainability in your own hands
Most climate campaigns ask for donations and encourage you to share information. We would like to do more than just talk. That’s why we’re building a system that puts a sustainability number on products and services so that you can choose the most sustainable alternative and play producers against each other. If you together with millions of shoppers globally choose the sustainable alternative you are in effect buying back a sustainable future. This means: With ACT you can for the first time take sustainability in your own hands with the weight of your entire purchasing power. Now – that’s ACTion!
“you can for the first time take sustainability in your own hands with the weight of your purchasing power”
You can take part of this exciting project and invest in ACT.
Please get in touch with the ACT team for more information about the investment or to schedule a presentation. Please use invest(at)aacctt.org or the contact form under.
Best Regards,
Thomas Jepsen
CEO & Founder
ACT Cooperative Corporation AS